Burning Sage - Unplug - clearing Space - Dea Dia | Improve Your Wellbeing
Burning Sage – Unplug – clearing Space

{3 minute read}

Burning Sage

Clearing and purifying your environment with the help of Sage. Burning Sage, also known as smudging is an ancient ritual, well known for its space clearing properties, clearing away negativity. Dried Sage sticks are readily available and are usually under £10, though you can always make your own Sage stick by picking and drying Sage, making sure it is fully dried before very tightly binding the leaves together and securing with string. See tips below for burning Sage:

  • Smudging: keeping all windows and doors open to allow the negative energy to leave your home. I usually start at the front door, going clock wise, tracing the perimeter of all rooms. I work my way upstairs, downstairs and ending up back at my front door. When in each room, I make sure the smoke from the Sage enters all corners. It is powerful to repeat a positive affirmation in your head (or out loud) whilst smudging your space. 
  • When to burn Sage to clear yourself. It can be helpful to Sage yourself: when you have negative thoughts or feelings, after an argument or when you want to clear out the old and welcome in the new. Be mindful of the burning end of the Sage, but also making sure it is very smokey, start to slowly trace the smoke over the body (I start at my feet and work up both legs, over my body, arms and ending at the top of my head). Don’t forget the back of your body, taking your time. Again, it is useful to repeat a mantra or affirmation when smudging yourself. 


Setting time for a digital detox. It could be unrealistic to turn your phone off for two weeks and enjoy a well and truly needed digital detox, no matter how much you might want to. Instead we look at some realistic tips to rest your mind from the online world:

  • If you, like many, find it hard not to pick up your phone every 5 minutes and check every app for notifications before putting it down and doing it all again 5 minutes later, then this is a tip for you. Plan set times where you will check your phone, this might be once an hour, once every 2 hours (whatever is best for you), then stick to this time. Even if you hear a little endorphin ridden notification, leave your phone until it is time to check. This will dramatically increase your productively and you may find yourself so engrossed in a task that you forget to check your phone at the scheduled time (win!). 
  • Make a rule not to check your phone first thing in the morning and only after you have brushed your teeth. Give your mind time to wake up and collect your own thoughts before you allow opinions of the world to clutter up your mind. Alter this rule at bedtime: after you have brushed your teeth in the evening turn your phone onto silent (or even better, off!). Again, let your mind wonder and process the days events before going to sleep. I guarantee you will fall asleep faster and go to sleep earlier than if you had your phone readily available.

Clearing Space

Clear Environment, Clear Mind. I know when my environment is clear I am so much happier, feel more organised and so much calmer. Though, it can be hard keeping your space clean and tidy with work commitments, social commitments and maybe even a lack of motivation to get started. See these tips below for some clear zen vibes:

  • Take just 10 minutes a day to clear your environment. Start by putting things away in their place or create a home for wondering items. Doing this everyday will help stop a big build up and breaks it down into a manageable task. Then if you continue to tidy after the allotted time then great! 
  • Only keep items that bring you joy. It may be that you are surrounded by a lot of clutter. Take a leaf out of a Minimalists book and only keep items that are of use to you or that bring you joy. This will make your space a much happier, clearer and calmer place to be. 

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