Love Letter - Summer Holiday - Time Out - Dea Dia | Improve Your Wellbeing
Love Letter – Summer Holiday – Time Out

{3 minute read}

Love Letter

Writing a letter to yourself, to open a few months or even years later has a huge impact on self-compassion. Reading the letter back can also be a guideline of how far you have come. Hearing kind words that you have said to yourself is so powerful and increases resilience and confidence. I am sure at some point everyone has met their inner critic who has nothing else to say but negativity …. well this is a great way to defeat that inner critic and show yourself some love. Whether you are going through a hard time, have a challenge ahead of you, need to make a difficult decision, or finishing a stressful project ….now is the time to write that love note to your future self:

  • Exercise: Starting the letter with “Dear [Name]”, write the letter like you were writing to a friend, with bundles of kind, encouraging and empathetic words. Keep the letter fairly neutral, don’t try to guess the future. Neutral words such as “you are strong and will cope with anything that is thrown your way. You have got this far, you can keep going. I am so proud of you”. Make it personal by referencing the past, dreams or goals. End the letter with “I love you [Name].

Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday but think wellbeing. When packing for trips away do you initially think of what you will need apart from your phone charger, clothes and toiletries? Things that will benefit your wellbeing?Travelling can be stressful so give yourself a help in hand with the tips below:

  • Good Sleep is essential to get the most out of your trip and to feel energised to take on the day and the adventures that lay ahead. Consider getting a black out eye mask (preferably one that has cushion around the eye so that delicate eye lashes aren’t being squashed down all night). Ear plugs are a must, no matter the surroundings you can fall peacefully asleep.
  • Mini travel diffuser (you can get ones that fit in the palm of your hand and plug into a phone charger).
  • Essential oil wrist roll on’s, there are many on the market with different blends to either uplight or relax you.
  • SPF lip balm – we all remember suncream (I hope) but your lips need protection too!
  • Journal: write down what you have done each day (yes we can document everything on our phones), writing down your adventures is a lovely way to clear your mind at the end of the day and to look back on with joy in years to come.

Time Out

We are all busy in our own worlds and sometimes self-care takes the back step or falls to the bottom of the list. So here are some 5 minute refreshers everyone can fit into their day no matter how busy:

  • Counting your in-breaths from 1-10 – calming your body and mind
  • Taking a moment to close your eyes – avoids overstimulation and gives a moment of peace
  • Drinking a pint of water – Energises and avoids symptoms of dehydration (tiredness, headaches etc)
  • List 10 things you are grateful for – Boosts your mood and overall outlook
  • Listen to your favourite song – Mood Booster
  • Splash your hands and face in cold water – the change in temperature can leave you feeling fresh and alert and ready to go.

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