Connect - Yoga - Bedtime Routine - Dea Dia | Improve Your Wellbeing
Connect – Yoga – Bedtime Routine

{3 minute read}


The world as it is today is dramatically different to how our ancestors experienced it. Many thousands of years ago we typically belonged to tribes, a close knit community with friends and family altogether in one place. Today it is no wonder we struggle to build relationships that last, with family units, friends and even lovers separated by cities or countries. Communication is the key to keeping positive relationships:

  •  Practice active listening. This is listening to understand, rather than listening to respond. Put your phone away and focus your whole attention on the speaker. Show you are listening by having open body language and eye contact.
  • Be clear with your language and don’t assume someone knows what you are thinking. Verbalise your wants, needs and expectations. Being clear and honest in your relationships is a gateway to lasting connections.


Making yoga work for you. It can be overwhelming picking a yoga class, with so many different styles of yoga available. The time of the class needs to suit you (obviously) but you also need that class to suit you. Here are some tips on booking onto the right class for you:

  • Before booking onto a class be sure to read the description to find out the style. If you are looking for something calming and gentle, then a Power yoga class is not what you are looking for. Try looking for key words in the description that suits your yoga journey.
  • Picking the correct level class. It can be intimidating turning up to a yoga class for the first time, especially if you aren’t sure what level you have booked on to. Look out for words such as: beginner, level 2-3, yoga for all, intermediate etc. If you are unsure reach out to the teacher or studio to find the right class for you.

Bedtime Routine

A bedtime routine is the gate way to better sleep, feeling rejuvenated, and better mornings. Bedtime routines are unique and need to work around your lifestyle. Try out the tips below and see what works for you:

  • Try going to bed at the same time every night, turning off all electronic devices so there is no temptation to watch one more episode or to continue scrolling passed bedtime.
  • Relaxation before bed: reading, having a bath, listening to calming music or a podcast are just some way to relax. Set the scene to let your body know it is time to wind down. Lightening a candle or dimming the lights is a great start.

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